

研究報告Original Articles 精神障害を持った人が健康感を持って社会に参加するためには何が必要なのか,統合失調症者の西純一氏(仮名)の手記「精神障害を乗り越えて 40 歳ピアヘルパーの誕生」を読み,Schultz & Schkade の「作業適応過程モデル」を参考に回復段階ごとの日常生活の作業経験を分析した.本研究はナラティブ分析による質的研究である.Schultz & Schkade は,人は環境との交流の中で,「出来るようになりたい」と願い環境に働きかけ(習熟願望),環境は人に「できるように」期待,要求する(習熟要請)と述べた.その結果,その環境との交流で,人は作業に従事して環境に挑戦し,役割を得ると指摘した.西氏の場合,症状の強い段階では彼の環境は制限され,心身の保護とセルフケアが生活の主要な作業であったが,回復に従って環境からの要請が生産的なものへと移り変わり,それに応えて社会的な作業を通して環境に働きかけることで西氏は社会参加を実現させた.作業療法においては,健康感を持って社会に参加するように援助するためには,最大限の適応反応を導くことができる環境を見極めることが必要であることが示唆された. The purpose of this study is to investigate how a person with mental problems participates in society and does or does not live with a sense of health and well-being. “The Birth of The 40-year-old Peer Helper Who Overcame a Mental Disorder” written by Mr. Junichi Nishi (pseudonym). A man with schizophrenia was studied using narrative analysis to understand his occupational experience in everyday life and in every recovery stage, using Schultz and Schkade’s occupational adaptation process model. Schultz and Schkade proposed that the person reaches out to the environment and has a desire for mastery in interactions with it (desire for mastery). In turn, the social environment expects or demands the person to master this skill (demand for mastery). As a result, Schultz and Schkade stressed that the person is challenging the environment while engaging in his or her occupation, gaining an occupational role. In the case of Mr. Nishi, in the symptomatic stage of the disease, his occupational demand from the social environment was limited, and mental and physical protection and self-care was his major focus in everyday life. However, for the sake of recovery, his occupational demand from his social environment expanded to include productive tasks. Thus, he challenged the environment, and realized social participation by performing tasks related to social work. In occupational therapy, in order to help the patient become an active participant in society, and gain a sense of health and well-being, it is necessary to determine the kind of environment that can lead to maximal adaptive responses

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