One-Dimensional Turbulence Modeling of Soot Formation and Transport in Non-Premixed Turbulent Flames


Soot modeling in turbulent flames involves tightly coupled problems of combustion chemistry, particle transport, compressible fluid dynamics, and turbulence behavior in addition to soot chemistry and transport. Significant uncertainties accompany soot modeling and transport in such systems, hindering progress toward accurate combustion models and predictive simulation tools. The one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model, using a stochastic approach to turbulence modeling, captures the full range of length and time scales in a simulation and provides detailed statistical data of the flow con-figuration, chemistry, and particle transport. Previously, ODT has demonstrated accuracy and computational efficiency compared to direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulent, non-premixed flames. We present ODT simulations of soot behavior and transport in non-premixed ethylene jet flames, representing late-flame regions and parameter spaces typically inaccessible to DNS. The simulation configurations are based on experimental cases presented by the International Sooting Flame (ISF) Work-shop, readily accessible online. We focus on soot chemistry and particle transport by implementing advanced soot models and quantifying gas temperature and soot volume fraction in order to evaluate the models used and gain insight into the nature of soot-flame interactions. Our simulations stimulate progress toward parametric studies of soot behavior and more comprehensive modeling

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