Health impacts of female genital mutilation/cutting: A synthesis of the evidence


The Africa Coordinating Centre for the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, with support from the Population Council, sought to synthesize the evidence on the health impacts of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), identify recommended interventions, and compile and analyze the existing reference materials. The goal of this review is to inform the development of a comprehensive set of training guidelines and materials for frontline healthcare providers so they can manage the care of women and girls who have undergone FGM/C, prevent the practice at the community level, and accelerate abandonment of FGM/C practices. This analysis underscores the health impacts associated with FGM/C and compelling reasons for intervention. Overall, the recommended interventions were informed by best practices based on study reports, experts, and the strength of the available evidence. Moving forward, the Evidence to End FGM/C program plans to collaboratively review existing curricula and related materials for health professionals before these much-needed training materials and guidelines for healthcare providers can be drafted; and to conduct new research to deepen understanding on all the health impacts of FGM/C and their interventions

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