More Than Brides Alliance: Midline evaluation report


The More than Brides Alliance (MTBA) was formed to bringing together the strengths of a diverse team skilled in adolescent program implementation and research. The goal of the research presented in this report is to promote an evidence-based programmatic approach to delaying marriage in India, Malawi, Mali, Niger, and Pakistan by gathering detailed quantitative and qualitative information from the program areas over time to examine the impact of the present intervention and inform future strategies. This report highlights data from the midline survey on a set of outcomes approximately midway through the MTBA intervention and compares them with the same indicators that were collected before the interventions began (at baseline). The goal is to assess the successes of the program to date, to contextualize findings in light of larger social trends that may explain changes on some indicators (such as increased political pressure to end child marriage), and to consider programmatic strategies that may be suitable for adaptation based on midline findings. The data provide insights into possible programmatic adaptations that could help MTBA achieve desired outcomes by endline in 2020

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