Integrating men into the reproductive health equation: Acceptability and feasibility in Kenya


This study’s objective was to improve understanding of Kenyan men’s actual and potential roles as supportive partners in various phases of reproductive health (RH), to help in the design of strategies to encourage men’s greater participation in a variety of RH initiatives in Kenya. The results of the study clearly show that, to a larger extent than anticipated, men in Kenya already participate in women-centered RH services. Overall the institutional barriers seemed to be more overwhelming than the cultural barriers, given that one of the reasons frequently given for nonparticipation was fear of non-acceptance by the health providers. Based on the Population Council’s work on social context issues, including partnership, three potential levels for interventions have been developed: providing information on partnership for reproductive choice and health; building comfort and capacity among providers; and creating a space for partners. The results of this study indicate that there are opportunities for interventions at all three levels, although the space for partners may remain limited to consultations and outpatient care for at least the immediate future

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