Celebrating mother and child on the fortieth day: The Sfax Tunisia postpartum program


This edition of Quality/Calidad/Qualité gives information about a postnatal family planning program in the Sfax Center of the Tunisia Maternity and Newborns Hospital. This program, developed jointly by the national family planning program and the Maternity staff, has had extraordinary success in getting more mothers to return after six weeks for their postnatal visit. During the visit, the period between births is discussed; and family planning services are offered as an important means for achieving both the recovery and good health of the mother, as well as the physical and mental development of the infant. The report describes a few of the plans that the Sfax Center is considering to increase the options that can be offered to clients in the postnatal state. These are, in effect, a part of the permanent evaluation of program services; and it is through this evaluation that they look for better ways to respond to the needs of the clients of the Center to protect their reproductive health

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