Effects and cost of implementing a gender-sensitive reproductive health program in Bolivia


The Integral Health Coordination Program (Programa de Coordinación en Salud Integral or PROCOSI), a network of 24 Bolivian NGOs, and the Population Council’s Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) program evaluated the effects of interventions on clinic clients and their partners, and estimated the costs of incorporating a gender perspective into service delivery. Results show that sexual and reproductive health service organizations can implement action plans to change organizational policies and service delivery practices and to improve their infrastructure and equipment to make them more convenient for clients. The results further show that the intervention made modest but important changes in partner dynamics. No evidence was found that the incorporation of a gender perspective had an effect on the demand for sexual and reproductive health services. In the context of the current study, if change in unmet need is posited as the measure of success, then the question for program managers is whether this expenditure is justified to achieve the resulting changes in unmet need

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