The prevention and management of HIV and sexual and gender-based violence: Responding to the needs of survivors and those-at-risk


The Population Council seeks to understand the social, economic, political, and physical context of risks for sexual and gender-based violence and HIV. Among the top priorities of Council research are supporting and evaluating efforts to prevent violence and HIV, including creating safe spaces for adolescent girls, and working with men and boys to change gender norms within the community; and comprehensively responding to the needs of survivors (including those who are HIV-infected) by strengthening health systems and integrating services. The purpose of this guide is to provide practical guidance on the steps necessary to establish and strengthen sexual violence (SV) services within existing public health facilities, improve linkages to other sectors, and engage local communities around issues of sexual violence. It includes tips, resources, and tools that will help partners and stakeholders design, implement, and evaluate SV programs

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