These Journeymen Divine: Interiors of American Spirituality


Why does humanity have religion—or to use a more current term—a spiritual life? The Enlightenment (1715-1789) helped turn a more critical eye on this universal phenomenon and it has vexed nearly all the great thinkers from the nineteenth century. Some have felt that religion is more for group cohesion. Frederick Nietzsche (1841-1900) wrote of it as a collective effort to remember because it sears memory into civilization (Nietzsche 1887:42-43). Carl Jung (1875-1961) believed it was how the “collective unconscious” emerged (Jung 1954:3-48), with shared metaphors for meaning. Franz Kafka (1883-1924), more relevant to this discussion, wrote of its internal dimension: “Believing means liberating the indestructible element in oneself. . . . One of the ways in which this hiddenness can express itself is through faith in a personal god” (Kafka 1954:29). Jung’s “collective consciousness” and Kafka’s “personal god” are at odds, however, part of an uncanny paradigm—collective authority versus personal autonomy. These have clashed for centuries. Religion in America today is decidedly personal and autonomous. Originally derived from the Scottish Reformation (1560), it has evolved into something uniquely its own. How this happened is hotly debated. Revivalism, it is clear, is part of the answer, since it has shaped and reshaped the culture from colonial times. These tumultuous waves of revivalism have left their marks. Below, I will refer to a few important moments, with figures that indeed are“ journeymen divine,” to use Walt Whitman’s (1819-1892) expression from his great poem Sleepers (1855) (with Whitman certainly one of them). The awakening of the deepest self, or the divine within, is the center of American spirituality

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