Assessment of Cervical Cancer Health Literacy among Female Secondary School Teachers in Anambra State. Nigeria.


Abstract Background: cervical cancer health information equips women with basic knowledge that enables them to take informed decisions to prevent and control infection. Cervical cancer awareness will help curtail the raising trend of cervical cancer disease among Nigerian women. Purpose: the research was carried out to assess the cervical cancer literacy level of female secondary school teachers in Anambra State, Nigeria. Design: it is a descriptive survey of 3,031 female secondary school teachers. Findings: the research outcome shows that the respondent’s cervical cancer health literacy level is low. This is in terms of their knowledge and awareness of the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and preventive and control measures of cervical cancer. Originality/value: this is the first survey of secondary school female teachers’ cervical cancer health literacy in Anambra State. The results may inform appropriate intervention based on reliable data. Keywords: cervical cancer literacy, cervical cancer, health literacy, health information, female teachers, cervical cancer information Paper Type: original research article

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