Effect of Others on the Gaze Behavior of Young Children during an Art Activity : Examining their Interactions Using Gaze Direction


本研究は,幼児の集団的な造形活動について,その相互作用の全体像を,視線分析を活用しながら明らかにする。分析データを得るために行った造形活動では,活動の構成メンバー全員の頭部にビデオカメラを装着し,各幼児の視界に広がる世界を個別的に捉えられるようにした。各動画記録は,誰が,いつ,どれだけの時間を伴って映っているのか,行動コーディングシステムを用いて数量化し,それぞれ幼児ごとに,他者に視線を向け続けている可能性が高い場面を特定していった。その結果,当該場面のなかで展開される造形行為の伝搬過程を捉える一方で,幼児が他者の制作物や発話からもアイデアを得ていることも明確化できた。また,応答としての造形行為の模倣や,協同関係にある者の造形行為の確認に伴う視線のやり取りも顕在化し,各幼児の他者への関わり方の特性が,他者に視線を向ける行動の差異として現れていく様相が確認できた。 / This study aimed to investigate the interactions between young children in an art activity using gaze analysis. To obtain analytical data, an art activity was cnducted where all young children had to wear a head-mounted wireless camera that was used to monitor their gaze direction. We quantified the time-series for which each person was recorded. Moreover, in each video, scenes where the child continued gazing at others were identified. As a result, the process of the propagation of skills in the scene was realized; moreover, it was apparent that young children acquired ideas by observing other’s creations and listening to other’s utterances. additionally, it was found that children imitated communication methods and observed others to gauge their cooperation. These results suggest that the characteristics of interactions differ based on the gaze direction towards others

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