During a natural hazard as volcano eruption the aircraft or helicopter reconnaissance flight require human operators. This implies a
high risk level which depends on the environmental conditions. The Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) allows to operate a monitoring
and surveillance in safety. An experiment of a radio controlled UAV has been carried out on Stromboli volcano on 2004. From this
experience a UAV system, (automated controlled), devoted to volcanoes monitoring is under development at the DIEM Department
of the University of Bologna. The projected UAV will be furnished of Visible camera will also lodge an IR camera and will experiment a new micro-interferometer
based on MOEMS technology, (developed by IMM Institute of CNR), suitable to perform DOAS Fourier spectroscopy, to detect
atmospheric trace gases. The uses of the IR camera are relevant in monitoring, during pre-crisis, for thermal anomalies detection and, during crisis, for lava temperatures measurements. These parameters, jointly to the spectral measurements performed by MOEMS interferometer, are useful for the theoretical model improvement. We report the state of art of the system that, thanks to its modularity and restricted dimensions, may be disassembled, sent where the emergency occur, and reassembled in a very short time