Towards the digital university: a brief introduction to E-Texts and open access


The notion of "E-texts" or "electronic texts" made its way onto the agenda of the Academic Support Committee in April 2009. This interest in E-Text was prompted by an inquiry to the Committee Chair by several faculty members who had questions about academic publisher presentations that were occurring on campus. Following from the Committee discussions, a Subcommittee was struck to examine the trends, tools and potential of e-text as it relates to academic resources. The Subcommittee held its first meeting on May xx, 2009 and established the intial Terms of Reference for the working group. The following document reports our findings and reflects the nature of these conversations. The report conveys how E-Texts are currently dealt with by publishers, by the University Bookstore, and by Library collections. As well, it describes the concept of Open Access as it applies to the individuals' ability to electronically publish academic materials, as a way of making academic information available to students and faculty alike

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