
Anbauwürdigkeit alter im Vergleich zu modernen Braugersten


Cropping spring barley, long varieties with vigorous growth are desired in organic farming expecting better regulation of weeds. Six old varieties were compared to three modern varieties in a field trial during 2010 and 2011 nearby Freising, Bavaria. The modern varieties were the recommended varieties for Bavaria at beginning of the trial. Higher crop yields were determined for modern varieties with limitation for one of these varieties. The malt quality of the modern varieties was considerably better than for the old varieties. Vigorous growth and plant length was higher for all and for five of the six old in comparison to modern varieties, respectively. But no differences in weed pressure could be measured due to successful mechanical weed control. Additionally, the susceptibility to diseases and tendency to lodge (one exception) was estimated higher for old than for modern varieties. All in all, the breeding progress could be shown in this trial. Hence, the conclusion is that old varieties of spring barley were not a cropping alternative to modern varieties in organic farming

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