
Statistical analysis of chemical computational systems with MULTIVESTA and ALCHEMIST


The chemical-oriented approach is an emerging paradigm for programming the behaviour of densely distributed and context-aware devices (e.g. in ecosystems of displays tailored to crowd steering, or to obtain profile-based coordinated visualization). Typically, the evolution of such systems cannot be easily predicted, thus making of paramount importance the availability of techniques and tools supporting prior-to-deployment analysis. Exact analysis techniques do not scale well when the complexity of systems grows: as a consequence, approximated techniques based on simulation assumed a relevant role. This work presents a new simulation-based distributed tool addressing the statistical analysis of such a kind of systems, which has been obtained by chaining two existing tools: MultiVeStA and Alchemist. The former is a recently proposed lightweight tool which allows to enrich existing discrete event simulators with distributed statistical analysis capabilities, while the latter is an efficient simulator for chemical-oriented computational systems. The tool is validated against a crowd steering scenario, and insights on the performance are provided by discussing how these scale distributing the analysis tasks on a multi-core architecture

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