
Ertrag und Qualitätsparameter von Winterweizensorten aus biologischer und konventioneller Züchtung in Luxemburg


Thirteen winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) bred in conventional breeding programs and seven varieties from organic breeding were tested under organic conditions in two locations in 2009/10 and 2010/11 in Luxembourg. The objective was to analyze whether these conditions, organic varieties perform better than conventional ones. Grain yield (dt ha-1), protein content (%) and Zeleny sedimentation value were analyzed. The effect of the factor variety was statistically significant at a probability level of 0.05 for the three traits. For grain yield, the variety x year x location interaction was significant. For protein content, the variety x year interaction was significant. Location x year interaction was significant for sedimentation value. Results indicate that organic varieties generally lead to lower grain yields with higher baking quality (protein content and sedimentation value) than conventional varieties. However, a large range of grain yields, protein contents and sedimentation values were observed for both categories

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