
Lucerne (Medicago sativa) or grass-clover as cut-and-carry fertilizers in organic agriculture


On-farm nitrogen fixation is a driving force in organic agriculture. The efficiency with which this nitrogen is used can be increased by using lucerne (Medicago sativa) or grass-clover directly as sources of fertilizer on arable land: cut-and-carry fertilizers. In two arable crops, the use of lucerne and grass-clover as fertilizers was compared with the use of poultry manure and slurry. The nitrogen-use efficiency at crop level was comparable or better for the cut-andcarry fertilizers as compared to the animal manures. The relative P and K content of these fertilizers came closer to the crop demand than that of the poultry manure. Crop yields were comparable or better when using lucerne or grass-clover as fertilizer. It is concluded that cutand-carry fertilizers are a serious alternative for manure as part of an overall farm soil fertility strategy

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