
Ökobilanzen und Biodiversitätsbewertung österreichischer Milchviehbetriebe


This contribution provides insights in methods and results from seven Austrian organic, alpine and grassland-based dairy farms, which were analysed concerning their ecological sustainability. The milk yield per area unit was found as an appropriate parameter to differentiate extensive from intensive dairy farms, which also allows for a rough estimation of LCA results. Two farms which were characterised as ‘alpine-extensive’ generally show advantages if they are related to units of area and also in terms of the biodiversity potential. Two farms in hilly regions (transition from alpine to lowland area) produce relatively high amounts of milk per hectare farmland and hence show good results for LCA indicators, if related to product units. Three alpine farms with a greater input of imported concentrates are in between the two previously mentioned or show an even lower performance concerning LCA results. As a consequence, they neither completely fulfil the required preservation of cultural landscapes against succession by woodlands and shrubs nor do they meet the demand for high productivity from the limited land resource, which are satisfied to a greater degree in ‘alpine-extensive’ and ‘hilly’ production systems, respectively

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