
Viehhaltung im Ökologischen Landbau - ja oder nein? Effekte auf Bodenfruchtbarkeit, N-Bilanzen und Erträge


An organic long-term field experiment with two factors has been carried out since 1998 at the experimental station Gladbacherhof, University of Giessen. Effects of different farm types (with and without lifestock raising) combined with tillage treat-ments on plants, soil and environment have been investigated. This article presents results on soil fertility, N-balances and cash crop yields according to the farm system. All in all, the superiority of a management system with cattle over stockless organic farming is demonstrated. The mixed farm type led to higher amounts of humus in the soil, lower N-losses and higher yields. Unless stockless farming cannot be avoided a mulched grass-legume ley, in combination with grain- and fodder legumes as main or intermediate crop, should, as far as possible, be included in the crop rotation

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