The manufacturing of modern semiconductor devices involves a complex set of nanoscale fabrication processes that are energy and resource intensive, and generate significant waste. It is important to understand and reduce the environmental impacts of semiconductor manufacturing because these devices are ubiquitous components in electronics. Furthermore, the fabrication processes used in the semiconductor industry are finding increasing application in other products, such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), flat panel displays, and photovoltaics. In this work we develop a library of typical gate-to-gate materials and energy requirements, as well as emissions associated with a complete set of fabrication processmodelsusedinmanufacturingamodernmicroprocessor. In addition, we evaluate upstream energy requirements associated with chemicals and materials using both existing process life cycle assessment (LCA) databases and an economic input-output (EIO) model. The result is a comprehensive data set and methodology that may be used to estimate and improve the environmental performance of a broad range of electronics and other emerging applications that involve nano and micro fabrication