
Exploring the HI Universe with ASKAP


The survey speed of ASKAP makes it a prime instrument with which to survey the HI universe, enabling it to carry out both wide surveys of the entire sky, as well as deep surveys covering cosmologically representative volumes. Here, the use of ASKAP to study deep HI fields is discussed as proposed by the Deep Investigation of Neutral Gas Origins (DINGO) survey. This ASKAP science survey project anticipates observing in excess of 10^5 sources out to redshift z~0.4. Key science goals include: Omega_HI and its evolution, the cosmic web as traced by distributions such as the HI mass function and the 2pt correlation function, and the formation and evolution of galaxies. Science returns are maximised by targeting the GAMA survey regions, enabling the HI content of galaxies to be studied and understood in full context with all the major galactic constituents over the past 4 Gyr.Comment: Panoramic Radio Astronomy conference, Groningen, The Netherlands; 2009 June 2-

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