
Dynamical Systems Method (DSM) for solving nonlinear operator equations in Banach spaces


Let F(u)=hF(u)=h be an operator equation in a Banach space XX, ∥F′(u)−F′(v)∥≤ω(∥u−v∥)\|F'(u)-F'(v)\|\leq \omega(\|u-v\|), where ω∈C([0,∞))\omega\in C([0,\infty)), ω(0)=0\omega(0)=0, ω(r)>0\omega(r)>0 if r>0r>0, ω(r)\omega(r) is strictly growing on [0,∞)[0,\infty). Denote A(u):=F′(u)A(u):=F'(u), where F′(u)F'(u) is the Fr\'{e}chet derivative of FF, and Aa:=A+aI.A_a:=A+aI. Assume that (*) ∥Aa−1(u)∥≤c1∣a∣b\|A^{-1}_a(u)\|\leq \frac{c_1}{|a|^b}, ∣a∣>0|a|>0, b>0b>0, a∈La\in L. Here aa may be a complex number, and LL is a smooth path on the complex aa-plane, joining the origin and some point on the complex a−a-plane, 0000 is a small fixed number, such that for any a∈La\in L estimate (*) holds. It is proved that the DSM (Dynamical Systems Method) \bee \dot{u}(t)=-A^{-1}_{a(t)}(u(t))[F(u(t))+a(t)u(t)-f],\quad u(0)=u_0,\ \dot{u}=\frac{d u}{dt}, \eee converges to yy as t→+∞t\to +\infty, where a(t)∈L,a(t)\in L, F(y)=fF(y)=f, r(t):=∣a(t)∣r(t):=|a(t)|, and r(t)=c4(t+c2)−c3r(t)=c_4(t+c_2)^{-c_3}, where cj>0c_j>0 are some suitably chosen constants, j=2,3,4.j=2,3,4. Existence of a solution yy to the equation F(u)=fF(u)=f is assumed. It is also assumed that the equation F(wa)+awa−f=0F(w_a)+aw_a-f=0 is uniquely solvable for any f∈Xf\in X, a∈La\in L, and $\lim_{|a|\to 0,a\in L}\|w_a-y\|=0.

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