A closed form for slant submanifolds of generalized Sasakian space forms


The Maslov form is a closed form for a Lagrangian submanifold of Cm, and it is a conformal form if and only if M satisfies the equality case of a natural inequality between the norm of the mean curvature and the scalar curvature, and it happens if and only if the second fundamental form satisfies a certain relation. In a previous paper we presented a natural inequality between the norm of the mean curvature and the scalar curvature of slant submanifolds of generalized Sasakian space forms, characterizing the equality case by certain expression of the second fundamental form. In this paper, first, we present an adapted form for slant submanifolds of a generalized Sasakian space form, similar to the Maslov form, that is always closed. And, in the equality case, we studied under which circumstances the given closed form is also conformal.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

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