
Books' market, treatise collecting. The acquisition of texts and architectural examples as a learning tool in the workshop


Este trabajo versa sobre los libros que atesoró la familia Tornés en su taller de Jaca (Huesca) donde vivió a lo largo de los siglos XVI-XVIII. Esta saga de arquitectos perteneció a aquella clase social que contaba con los suficientes recursos económicos como para ser no sólo propietarios sino coleccionistas de libros. Los Tornés poseyeron una biblioteca de primer nivel, especialmente surtida en ejemplares de tratadística arquitectónica. Éstos los pudieron adquirir a través de librerías, almonedas, anticuarios e incluso en mercados de segunda, o bien, los pudieron obtener a través de la propia herencia familiar e incluso mediante el préstamo o intercambio con otros profesionales afines.This work deals with the books that the Tornés family stored in their workshop in Jaca (Huesca) where they lived between the 16th and 18th centuries. This saga of architects belonged to that social class that had enough economic resources to be not only owners but also collectors of books. The Tornés possessed an extraordinary library, especially supplied in exemplars of architectural treatises. These could have bene acquired through bookstores, second hand dealers, antiquarians, or they could have obtained them through their own family inheritance and even by means of loan or exchange with other related professionals

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