
Physic subjects to complete the basic qualifications and professional attributions for the new engineering and architecture degrees inside the European Higher Education Area


Next academic year 2010/2011 next degrees will begin in the University of Alicante. In particular, in the Polytechnic High School will start 7 new degrees adequate to the “Real Decreto 1393/2007”. Recently Spanish government has described the new legislation to organize the new university degrees according the European Higher Education Area. The recommendations and the laws can bee seen in the official Spanish Government publication named “BOE”. One of the main instructions is that the basic subjects must be studied in the first half of the degree with a minimum of 6 ECTS. Taking into account this fact the mobility of the students from one degree to other will be easier. In the University of Alicante Physic subject is an important basic area in Engineering and Architecture degrees. In this sense, in this work we present the project to obtain a common physic subject for each degree. In this project have been participated some of the lectures of the physic of Polytechnic High School in University of Alicante.This work was supported by the Office of Strategical Planning & Quality of University of Alicante and by the ‘Vicerrectorado de Tecnología e Innovación Educativa’ of the University of Alicante, Spain (GITE-09006-UA)

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