Psychological Momentum


Psychological Momentum (PM) is a positive or negative dynamics of cognitive, affective, motivational, physiological, and behavioral responses to the perception of movement toward or away from either a desired or an undesired outcome. Such a perception can be fostered by any event or series of events that alters the perceived rate at which one is moving regarding the outcome in question. The history and the context in which such events are embedded determine the occurrence and intensity of PM more determining than the events per se. Therefore, PM is a process of extrapolation that builds upon experiences and extends to anticipated future outcomes (e.g., Hubbard, 2015). PM should not be confused with the “hot/cold hand” phenomenon, which refers to the belief that streaks of success/failure breed future success/failure. The occurrence of streaks is neither sufficient nor necessary to entail a perception of movement toward or away from a final outcome

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