
MyVoice goes Spanish. Cross-lingual adaptation of a voice controlled PC tool for handicapped people


En este artículo presentamos la adaptación del sistema MyVoice del idioma checo al español. MyVoice se desarrolló con la idea de permitir a usuarios con discapacidad motora controlar sus ordenadores y aplicaciones informáticas de forma oral. Nuestro objetivo era adaptarlo de forma rápida al español empleando únicamente los recursos disponibles para el idioma checo. Los resultados experimentales muestran que se puede conseguir hasta un 96.73% de precisión en el reconocimiento del habla española empleando el motor de reconocimiento del habla checo del sistema MyVoice.In this paper, we present the cross-lingual adaptation of the MyVoice system from the Czech to the Spanish language. MyVoice was developed to allow motor-handicapped people to voice control their PCs and applications. Our objective was to cost-efficiently adapt it to the Spanish language using uniquely the resources available for Czech. Experimental results show that up to 96.73% recognition accuracy can be achieved for Spanish using MyVoice’s Czech speech recognition environment.Development of the MyVoice software was sup- ported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences (grant no. 1QS108040569)

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