Mycorrhization and application of urban composit in order to improve survival and growth of seeds of Pinus halepensis under semi-arid conditions


Título del Cahier: La mycorhization des plantes forestières en milieu aride et semi-aride et la lutte contre la désertification dans le bassin méditerranéen = Mycorrhization of forest plants under arid and semi-arid conditions and desertification control in the MediterraneaWe have assessed the effect of controlled mycorrhizal infection in the nursery and the application of urban compost on the survival and on the aboveground and belowground biomass of Pinus halepensiss seedlings. They were planted on limestone and marls, under semiarid meso-Mediterranean climate. After two years, mortality was higher in those seedlings planted on limestone, and no treatment effect on seedlings survival was evident. Compost had a positive effect on seedling growth. Treatments showed no effect on the proportion of mycorrhizal short-roots. Controlled mycorrhizal infection had a relatively small effect on seedling growth.Generalitat Valenciana (Programa de Investigación de las Zonas Afectadas por Incendios Forestales en la Comunidad Valenciana, proyecto "Ensayos de Especies Autóctonas y Técnicas de Restauración Forestal") y la C.E.C. DG XII (EV5V-CT94-0475; "Reclamation of Mediterranean Ecosystems Affected by Wildfires"

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