"My presence is there to be seen for people who judge". Instagram on well-being, body image and body dysmorphic disorder


As social networking site (SNS) use has become increasingly integrated within our daily lives, there is growing concern around the potential impacts SNS use may have on our well-being and body image. However, the interplay between SNS and well-being is complex, and much research continues to rely on self-report measures to capture experiences with SNS. Moreover, previous associations between SNS and body image dissatisfaction point to SNS as playing a role within Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Therefore, the present project aimed i) to investigate the role of SNS usage patterns on psychological well-being outcomes and ii) to identify and understand the features of SNS use that may influence well-being outcomes from the perspectives of Instagram users, individuals experiencing BDD and clinicians working in the field of BDD, taking a focus on the SNS platform Instagram. A multistage mixed methods approach was employed, implementing psychometric assessment, focus groups and interviews, in addition to ecological momentary assessment (EMA) with objective monitoring. The results of the empirical studies found: i) SNS as combining aspects of both offline and online peer and media influences, whereby appearance is endorsed through interactive features and influential figures on Instagram, ii) appearance anxiety as significant mediator for Instagram use and well-being outcomes, iii) Instagram usage time, number of notifications and number of Instagram launches are not associated with well-being outcomes, iv) Instagram is a platform wherein BDD behaviours are reinforced, but also a place for finding support and connections, and v) Instagram use may contribute towards maintaining BDD symptoms, but may also be a useful tool in therapeutic treatment. Overall, findings of the present project address the features of Instagram that can contribute towards well-being, body image and SNS behavioural patterns, whilst also contributing to knowledge and understanding around SNS use in BDD

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