Frequency of Deranged Coagulation Profile and Its Complications among Pregnant Females


Objective: This study was conducted to determine frequency of abnormal coagulation profile and complications related to it among pregnant females.Study design and duration: it was a descriptive type of study started in June 2017 and completed in December 2017 consisted on 6 months duration.Place of study: This study was conducted in Fatima Memorial Hospital Lahore. This hospital has a well developed gynaecology and Obstetrics unit which deals with a huge number of patients. It is well equipped with all facilities.   Patients and Methods:  Patients for study were selected from OPD of gynae/obs unit. About 100-150 patients are dealt in its OPD daily. Total 60(7.1%) cases of obstetrics were selected out of 850 patients during the period of six months having deranged coagulation studies. A proforma was designed containing some relevant questions which were asked from each patient. These questions were about age, parity, any previous abortion, gestational age and any history of complication related to deranged coagulation profile such as DIC, per vaginal bleeding, gestational hypertension or seizures. After taking proper history a thorough examination of these patients were done and any positive finding was documented. Their blood samples were sent to the laboratory of hospital to check Coagulation profile. They were evaluated for disseminated intravascular coagulation, eclampsia, pre-eclampsia and pregnancy related anemia. Proper consent was taken from these cases for including their data in study. Consent was also taken from the Medical Superintendant of hospital for conducting study. All data was analyzed in Microsoft office and SPSS and results were calculated in the form of frequencies and expressed via charts and tables.   Results: There were 60 pregnant females included in this study having age range of 15-41 years with mean age of 23.6 years. Mostly females were having age below 25 years. There were 40% cases with age 15-25 years, 28.3% females with 26-35 years, 20% females having age 31-35 years and 11.75 females with age above 40 years. Mostly females in this study were in gestational age above 6 months. Iron deficiency anemia was found in most of the females in this study. There were 46.6% cases having haemoglobin 6-8 g/dl, 33.3% had 8-10g/dl and 20% were having haemoglobin above 10g/dl. Out of these 60 females 24 were para-2, 21 were para-1, 8 females were para-3 and only 7 females were para-4. It was seen that there was no case in our study with para zero.       Conclusion: Deranged coagulation profile is very common among pregnant ladies who causes many complications and may lead to death of mother or child. Early diagnosis of the problem and prompt treatment can reduce morbidity and mortality

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