松葉杖歩行による下肢の疲労部位と程度、歩行パターンについて検討した。対象は松葉杖歩行未経験の大学2年生24名とし、200mを非利き足を完全免荷で松葉杖歩行させ、歩数と時間を計測・解析した。また荷重足とした利き足の大腿・下腿部の前後面、足背・足底部の歩行後の疲労感をNumerical Rating Scale(NRS)を用いて計測し、全ての部位のスコアを加算したものを総疲労スコアとした。その結果、下腿部と足底部に高い疲労感を認めた。また、総疲労スコアと歩数、総疲労スコアと総時間に弱い正の相関、歩行速度と総歩数、歩行距離と5m毎の歩数に中等度の負の相関を認めた。以上から、片側下肢の完全免荷松葉杖歩行の初回歩行では、荷重足の底背屈筋、足趾屈伸筋に疲労が出現しやすい可能性、歩幅が大きいと疲労しにくい可能性、また外的教示なしでも歩幅を大きくする適応的学習が生じる可能性が示唆された。We investigated the position and degree of fatigue in the supporting leg and a pattern of gait alterations at the first time of walking with crutches. Twenty-four college students participated in this study. The subjects walked with crutches with load to dominant leg for 200 m. The number of steps and time were measured. After walking, the degree of fatigue in the upper and lower leg and foot was measured by Numerical Rating Scale. All the scores were summed and the total fatigue score(TFS) was calculated. Fatigue was observed in the lower leg and sole. There was a low positive correlation between TFS and total steps and between TFS and total time. There was a moderate negative correlation between walking speed and steps and between steps per 5 m and walking distance. These results indicate that fatigue in the lower leg and sole is caused by gait alterations during first time of walking with crutches. Moreover, as a stride becomes large, it is harder for the leg and foot to fatigue. Finally, implicit adaptation, a gradually increasing stride without instruction, is caused during the first time of walking with crutches