
健常大学生15名を対象に、ワーキングメモリ検査の一つである定速聴覚的連続加算テスト(PASAT)の2秒条件と1秒条件遂行時の前頭葉活動について、近赤外分光法(NIRS)を用いて検討を行った。 PASAT施工中は、前頭葉野背外側部(DLPFC)の酸化型ヘモグロビン(Oxy-Hb)が有意に増加を認め、特に正答率の高いPASATの2秒条件においてのDLPFCのOxy-Hb増加が強い傾向を示し、難易度の程度によってDLPFCの賦活が変化することが考えられた.Frontal lobe activity when university students of 15 people, has been conducting the PASAT is one of the working memory test, we have examined using NIRS. As a result, Oxy-Hb in DLPFC recognized increased significantly, tended to increase in Oxy-Hb in the DLPFC of in terms of two seconds PASAT high percentage of correct answers is particularly strong, when you are performing the PASAT, the difficulty was thought to be due to a change in the degree of activation of the DLPFC degrees

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