利き手・非利き手での到達把持動作での予測的な戦略の検討 : Preshaping出現時点に着目して


本研究の目的は3つある. 一つは、健常成人を対象に、利き手・非利き手の到達把持動期間中のPreshaping出現時点の比較. 二つ目は、利き手と非利き手のSTEF遂行時間の比較. 3つ目はPreshaping出現時点とSTEF遂行時間の検討である. 結果、Preshaping出現時点は利き手が、非利き手よりも有意に遅延していた. STEF遂行時間では、利き手が非利き手よりも遂行時間が有意に速かった. また、これらPreshaping出現時点とSTEF遂行時間では負の相関を示した。利き手は、非利き手よりも運動経験が豊富であることから予測的なPreshaping出現が遅れていてもFeed-Forwardによる誤差が少なく、運動表出は円滑と行えていると考えられた. 非利き手では、運動経験が利き手よりも劣る為、Preshapingを早期に出現させ、視覚・体性感覚によるFeed-Backにより調整する必要が生じていることが考えられた.This study has three purposes. One examined the comparison at the Preshaping appearance time of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand. Two examined the comparison at the STEF accomplishment time of dominant hand and non-dominant hand. Three examined the Preshaping appearance time and elaborate operation capability, and relevance. In Pre-shaping, a dominant hand was more significantly than a non-dominant hand delayed. As for the STEF accomplishment time, dominant was significantly quicker in accomplishment time than a non-dominant hand. Preshaping appearance time and STEF execution time had negative correlation. With its dominant hand, just before contact was considered that it can perform movement processing smoothly from movement experience being abundant. With non-dominant hand, since movement experience was inferior to dominant hand, it was thought according to making Pre-shaping appear at an early stage that it was adjusting for vision and somatic sensation information

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