Investigating Acceptance of Mobile Applications toward English Language Learning: Based On Qualitative Judgments


The concept of mobile entertains the fact of knowledge availability “anywhere and anytime” which suggests that the future will witness multiple changes in the continuum of education in general, and specifically in its mobile format. Mobile Applications for English Language Learning facilitates the process of English learning via mobile devices. Thus, it provides practical solutions to slowly move from old face to face learning into mobile application based learning. This paper shed lights on the links between the English language learning and technology acceptance of mobile applications in academic context.  Teachers could encourage the use of mobile applications by providing activities that utilize mobile applications, such as searching for a word’s meaning, listening to authentic radio application content, listening to audio books, etc. since informal English can be present in most chatting applications, teachers could encourage the use of proper spelling, language, usage, etc. via interaction with their students in a language learning environment. In addition to that, the limitations of the study were addressed. Finally, this paper provided implications for instructional practice along with suggestions and recommendations that discussed possible advantages of acceptance of mobile applications in English language learning. The students participate in this investigation were ten who are studying in University Utara Malaysia. A WhatsApp group of these students, MAELL research, was intended to incorporate the members in the investigation. The data gathering strategies were interview, the WhatsApp group visit log and perception. This subjective contextual analysis looks into was spurred by two research questions: 1. How the mobile applications are useful for English language learning? 2. What are the factors of mobile application use for English language learning? The outcomes of this research study suggest that in addition to the current uses of mobile applications, there are also pros and cons of using mobile application to enhance English language learning skills, specially listening and speaking. The results, implications, and recommendations are also discussed

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