Iran’s Nuclear development: Rationale and consequences


The paper Iran’s Nuclear development: rationale and consequence deals with the history of development of Iranian Nuclear program its role and assistance it got from America. Iranian Nuclear program actually got started by the “atoms of peace” in 1957 which was gifted by Eisenhoer the U.S President to create balance of power. It was a long time ambition of Shah of Iran but after Iranian revolution the program got halted. The religious supreme leader Khomeini came to power and Shah was ousted however Khomeini had not appreciated the Nuclear technology advancement and had called it antireligious and evil. But the reason which has forced Iran to go for Nuclear technology are Iran – Iraq war, regional supremacy, Israel’s continuous expansion and development of its military and attack on Iraq’s Nuclear site at Osirak in 1981 had raised alarm for Iran to go for its defence. The secret program of Iran was revealed in 2002 at Nartanz and Arak. The Nuclear sites were under military supervision. The program was look after by Islamic revolutionary gaurds corps.Iran’s major Nuclear sites are – Arak, Bushehr, Natanz, Isfahan, Gchin, Qom and Parchin

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