Model vrednotenja kot orodje za obvladovanje kompleksnosti uvajanja globalnih sistemov ERP


The implementation of complex ERP systems in global business environments requires a sound methodological approach. Companies have been experiencing many project failures in the past, since the projects by far exceeded their time and budget frameworks and/or did not render the expected results. In the article is presented a study of critical success factors (CSFs) which the companies should take into account in every ERP project. Presented are case studies of five anonymous companies belonging to the international corporation. The focus is on the definition of the global efficiency factors or GEFs which allow us to design a global concept of the whole ERP system and are more broadly defined than CSFs. Thus are ensured efficient and productive roll-out implementations in all subsequent companies of the group. Developed was a multi-attribute evaluation model based on these factors which focuses primarily on the content of the system and not that much on the project management CSFs. GEFs namely allow us to efficiently manage the complexity of the ERP implementation projects while the multi-attribute evaluation model makes it possible to evaluate the project in its different project stages, thereby measuring whether the project is on track in terms of its global content design. The results of the evaluation were also analyzed by positioning the five case study projects on the maturity curve for both being implemented with or without the use of GEFs.Uvajanje kompleksnih celovitih informacijskih rešitev za načrtovanje virov podjetja – sistemov ERP – v globalnih poslovnih okoljih zahteva primeren metodološki pristop. Mnogo podjetij je v preteklosti izkusilo neuspeh na projektih, ki so presegali časovne in finančne okvire ali pa rezultati niso bili v skladu z zastavljenimi cilji. Pričujoča študija obravnava kritične dejavnike uspeha (KDU), ki bi jih morala podjetja upoštevati pri uvajanju sistemov ERP. Predstavljene so študije primerov petih anonimnih podjetij, ki pripadajo isti mednarodni korporaciji. Študija se osredotoča na definicijo učinkovitih globalnih dejavnikov (UGD), ki omogočajo oblikovanje širše globalne zasnove celotnega sistema ERP in se po tem razlikujejo od omenjenih KDU. Le-ta pa zagotavlja učinkovito in produktivno izvajanje izvedenih projektov v vseh podjetjih skupine. V sklopu UGD je bil razvit večkriterijski model za vrednotenje, ki je usmerjen predvsem v vsebino sistema in ne v KDU projektnega managementa. UGD nam namreč omogočajo obvladovanje kompleksnosti projektov uvajanja sistemov ERP, medtem ko nam večkriterijski model za vrednotenje dovoljuje ocenjevanje tega projekta v posameznih fazah. S pomočjo tega modela dejansko lahko merimo, ali se projekt odvija v skladu z globalno zasnovo vsebine

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