Growth Engine: Effects of China’s Trade and Investment on the Economies of East and Southeast Asia


The emergence of China as an economic superpower through globalization and fragmentation of production has impacted global trade relations, particularly in East and Southeast Asia (ESA). China has become a major trading partner for ESA economies not only through exporting goods to ESA countries, but also importing goods to satisfy China’s energy and consumer needs. This thesis studies the impact trade and investment relationships with China have on ESA economies. This study will include ten developed and developing ESA countries: Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao DPR, and Philippines. The results obtained include: 1) the effects that exports to China and inbound FDI from China have on ESA countries’ real GDP per capita, 2) the impact of trade and investment with China depends on the countries’ degree of advancement, 3) emphasis on the importance of regional cooperation in Asia

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