The temperature within a homogeneous plate of finite thickness


The object of this thesis is to determine by an analytical method the temperature within a homogeneous plate of finite thickness subjected to a constant temperature on one side and a periodic fluctuating temperature, expressible in a Fourier series, on the opposite side. This problem in periodic temperature changes has not, to the author\u27s knowledge, been solved previously. The flow of heat in the problem is considered in only one direction, the x-direction. Flow in the other two directions is considered negligible, or zero. Periodic temperature changes in the earth are of importance. The temperature changes have been used by writers since Fourier in the determination of the thermal conductivity of the earth. The daily and annual variations of the earth\u27s surface temperatures are noticeable only at points comparatively near the surface. Below a depth of 60 to 70 feet, they fade away and the temperature becomes constant. In the field of engineering, periodic changes in temperature should be considered in construction features of heat engines and regenerators for blast furnaces, etc. Another field of application of heat conduction is in the drying of pourous [sic] solids, such as wood. The results of the study of heat conduction have been put to use in certain gravitational problems, elasticity, and in static and current electricity, and the methods developed are of very general application in mathematical physics --Introduction, page 1-2

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