Cyclic Performance and Behavior Characterization of Steel Deck Sidelap and Framing Connections


A wide variety of steel deck sidelaps and framing connections have been experimentally studied to characterize the cyclic performance required in seismic evaluation of steel deck diaphragms. This study intends to provide cyclic test results of common steel deck connections including screw nestable and top arc seam sidelaps; and powder actuated fasteners, arc spot weld, and arc seam weld framing connections. A total of 24 sidelap and 36 framing connection tests have been performed in the Thin-Walled Structures Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University by NBM Technologies. The connection test results have been used to parameterize a nonlinear hysteretic spring element (i.e. utilizing the Pinching04 material model) applicable to modeling of the connections in high fidelity steel deck diaphragms to evaluate the seismic behavior of the steel deck diaphragm in rigid wall flexible diaphragm buildings, where inelasticity and ductility of the building system are intended to be derived largely from the diaphragm and the connections. Finally, the test results have been compared to AISI 310 and DDM04 connection strength and stiffness predictions. This experimental program is a task within a larger effort, i.e. “Advancing Seismic Provisions for Steel Diaphragm in Rigid Wall - Flexible Diaphragm Buildings” by NBM Technologies. The object of the larger effort is to investigate alternative seismic design provisions for conventionally designed steel diaphragms in Rigid Wall - Flexible Diaphragm Buildings

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