Building strong women : addressing the needs of at-risk pre-teen girls


Too many young, pre-teen girls are at risk of consequences including teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, low education levels and more. Many girls find themselves in these situations due to at-risk factors such as the absence of parents, low family income, having disabilities, being retained in school, etc. During my senior year internship at Community Solutions, a non-profit organization in Gilroy, California, I addressed self-esteem issues and lack of life skills and social skills that 10-12 year old girls face on a daily basis. My goal was to reach out and empower them, hoping to build self-esteem and teach important life and social skills necessary for transition into adolescence. Using pre-tests, post-tests, and True/False Trivia quizzes, I compared two curricula to determine which was more beneficial to the girls

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