Ecriture Féminine dans L’Amour, la Fantasia d’Assia Djebar


In women’s writing, Assia Djebar raises questions about the feminine condition in Algeria, in the different historical, social, political contexts. As the first lady to have introduced “insurrection” in her writing about Algeria, she creates words of liberation to substantiate Algerian women’s experience, so that in their turn, they might bring about a new generation of free and solidary women as the fictional world of Djebar does not cease to claim. This article examines Assia Djebar’s novel, L’Amour, la Fantasia (1985) from the perspective of the feminine thought elaborated in Hélène Cixous’ article The Laugh of the Medusa (1975). Djebar incarnates the model of écriture feminine, and incorporates its practices in her narrative, in the way Cixous considers them in her article

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