L’exemple illustratif comme ingrédient microstructurel essentiel d’un dictionnaire monolingue


Agzul Amagrad-u issawal s imediaten imsendlen, yutfen uk amawal n tmaziɤt s tmaziɤt. Illa iqeyyed i ddirast n tulmisin agd ddawr nsen i lmumarast n tseknawalt. Ad illin usn tt suk ugriw nix s lexdemt n umaseknawal, tɛawanen anelmad ad issen umeslaya, as issexdem, ad ilmed zzis tutlayt agd timẓrin n idles. Uk fettet n tmaziɤt agd ččeqlalat n’ujmaɛ n-nixtilafat nnes, tutlayt alla nexleq d rkizet n’umawal, d ten itwaxedmen mliḥ, ten iɛelmen ugriw n tira/awal… Abstract This article focuses on illustrative examples embedded in an Amazigh monolingual dictionary. It is limited to examining their characteristics and functions in pedagogical lexicographic practice. Whether from a corpus or forged by the lexicographer, they help the learner to understand an unknown word, to use it and to learn, through him, language and culture in general. In the still current crumbling of amazigh language and the difficulty of covering all its varieties, the linguistic variety, supporting the monolingual dictionary, is that having been the subject of lexicographical description and have a body of oral and written repertoire....Key words: illustrative example, monolingual dictionary, lexical entry, variety, microstructure

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