EU 拡大と労働移動 : 第5次拡大におけるスウェーデンとラトビアのケース


Ten countries in 2004 and two countries in 2007 have newly become members of the European Union. Those twelve countries are much poorer than old member states and Latvia is the third poorest of the twelve. Economic theory of international migration tells us that labour will move from a country with low income to a country with high income, if barriers between the two countries are eliminated, so that the wage rate of both countries will converge to the same level, but the theory does not describe what will happen in the process of such a convergence. This article is a case study on the conflict between a Latvian Company "Laval"and Swedish Trade Unions in order to provide an example of what conflict would be like when a poor country has become a member in the EU enlargement process, and to consider what it implies regarding EU integration

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