Reasons for and against the Early Adoption of the Euro in Romania


 In the context of the current turmoil in the European Union and the euro area and taking into account the discussions on the remaining or the exit of Greece from the euro area, in our country there is a trend that supports the early (faster) euro adoption. Given that Romania can not opt out of joining the euro area, as is the case of the United Kingdom and Denmark, the problem which remains to be solved is when and how our country will enter in the euro area. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the indicators of the scoreboard for the surveillance of macroeconomic imbalances for our country, at the same time offering a number of reasons for and against a faster adoption of the euro in Romania. The paper argues its observations based on international and national documents and Eurostat database. The study may have a series of implications for the politicians, public policy administrators, academics and researchers, bringing its contribution to the euro adoption debates

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