Theoretical Antecedent Of Customer Relationship Management Of Banks In India


This paper has attempted to study the theoretical antecedents of CRM in banks and validate the instrument scale for CRM especially for customer perspective. The researcher has developed the hypothetical model of CRM Practices for banks. Due to insufficient literature in CRM model development study, the researcher has concentrated universal study to focus and form the study conundrum.  The research design of the present study is both descriptive and empirical in nature. The sample was identified with the help of online sample service portal. The study data collected with the sample size of 384 with judgment sampling method. At the time of analyzing the data for envisage the results the researcher applies training and hold out method was adopted for better results. To achieve the validity aspects of scale used for this study evaluated with factor analysis. Both factor analysis methods were adopted. To check the existing theory latent construct EFA is conducted and its results validated through CFA. At the end of the process the researcher offers recommendation for better development and practices for CRM in banks of India

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