The possibilities of organic farming in Vojvodina


Organic livestock farming needs a balance between ecology and economy. The organic husbandry are a new possibility for livestock production in Vojvodina. Marketing of produced animal originated products became more popular, and it is organized by farmers themselves, or by their associations. Organic livestock farming in Vojvodina – Northern region of Serbia, is at its very beginnings. The present paper describes the actual situation in organic farming, and possibilities of its improvement. The essential systemic unit is the farmstead which presents a base for organic farming. From the environmental point of view there are several factors like surroundings and landscape which determinate the way of farming. In some ways big differences could be observed on the right and left side of the river Tisa. The quality of soil is determinative. In Banat region we could find mostly pastures and meadows which are suitable for grazing. The conventional, extensive animal breeding – sheep and goat milk as well as the lamb production could be preferred. On the right side of the river Tisa, Backa is the intensive agricultural region with good arable land, therefore it is very suitable for indigenous pig breeding, using famous Mangalica pig. If breeders’ demand will appear in near future, a nucleus of Mangalica breed could be established. Biodiversity of poultry breeding depends mostly on the traditional poultry production and the gene conservation programmes. Based on production guidelines, organic livestock farming in Vojvodina has set the goal of establishing environment - friendly production, sustaining animals in good health, realizing high animal welfare standards, and producing high quality products

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