Report about the use of drugs in Athletics presented to the American College of Sports Medicine (1958)


A report of the committee to study the use of drugs in Athletics presented to the Executive Committee, American College of Sports Medicine in March 28, 1958, at Kansas City, MO. The committee was composed of Roscoe Brown Jr., Charles Schetlin, Douglass Thompson, and Raymond A. Welss (chairman). The committee intended to study the effects of drugs in athletic performance and health, the ethics of drug use in athletics, to then draw a series of recommendations. The committee surveyed coaches, trainers, and team physicians and conducted a literature review in the topic. The report found that drugs hindered performance, drug use in athletics was harmful to health, that there was a greated objection to drug use in amateur than in professional athletics, and that most drug non-users felt that drugs hindered performance. This report is part of the Peter V. Karpovich Papers in the Springfield College Archives and Special Collections. PVK’s research work primarily centered on physiological and kinesiological research and the development of physical education as an area of scientific inquiry

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