Developing distance learning curriculum for outcome achievement


Prospective mature aged students who seek career change are often restricted through mobility and financial constraints. Alternatives to traditional classroom based teaching are their only option. With traditional distance education modalities, supported through online learning managements systems, content is relatively easily presented to students in a number of ways such as PowerPoint with recorded audio, access to library readings or notes. Outcomes are more than “just content”; student’ development of outcomes such as teamwork relies on collaboration and interaction. Traditional, on-campus students have multiple opportunities to informally meet and interact both socially and professionally. They also have opportunities for small group face to face discussions. In distance education connection with fellow students and teaching staff and consequently discussions can be facilitated through approaches such as asynchronous discussion forums, video conferencing and more recently synchronous technology in the form of web conferencing. A critical question addressed in this presentation is — how do we use technology to connect and engage students studying in a distance mode with learning opportunities efficiently and effectively in addition to the face to face opportunities afforded by mandated intensive schools? How do we ensure that all our students can achieve the threshold standards across all outcomes set for our students, irrespective of discipline and learning mode

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