Using Tutorials to Increase the Office of Career Service’s Presence on Campus


This capstone project analyzes a specific student population, the community college student, and how career services can impact their experience while in college. It examines online career services that prepare students for their job search while also increasing the office of career service’s presence on campus. Information gathered from the Career Services Coordinator (CSC) was used to determine what specific tools and strategy will support student’s efforts and maximize the CSC’s time. Research from Reese & Miller (2006) on career assessment and the career decision self-efficacy scale, supports the tutorials created for the Community College students. The implementation of specific tutorials (resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn) that the Career Office can direct faculty, staff and students to prior to scheduling a career counseling appointment makes better use of everyone’s time. Formative assessments, brief quizzes, and rubrics allow students to self-check their deliverables prior to meeting with a Career Counselor. The CSC will use Kirkpatrick’s Model to evaluate whether the tutorials meet the learning objectives, the behavior changes proposed, and overall results to students and the Career Office

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