Investigation of plastic deformation in prestressed concrete slabs from long time loading


It is the purpose of this research to investigate the creep in a thin concrete slab under a long-time prestress load with the compressive load being applied to the edge of the slab through a bearing plate of small dimensions. Seven plain concrete slabs, 3\u27 x 4\u27 x 4 , approximately one year old, made of normal cement and approved aggregate were subjected to the following loading conditions: (1) Three slabs loaded at the center of the greater dimension with a prestress load or 20,000 pounds applied over an area of eight square inches, (2) Three slabs loaded symmetrically at six inches from each end with a prestress load of 20,000 pounds being applied over an area of eight square inches at each symmetrical point, and (3) An unloaded slab used to measure variations in strains due to temperature, humidity and shrinkage. By the use of SR-4 electric strain gages placed at predetermined points in the vicinity of the applied loads the values of the strains due to the applied load and subsequent creep were determined. It is hoped that a more complete evaluation of creep can be compiled from the results of this investigation --Introduction, pages 3-4

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